YSC Board Meeting January 9, 2023

Young Scandinavians Club 

Board of Directors Meeting 

January 9, 2023 

Swedish American Hall 

In attendance:  

Solveig, Lars, Bianca, Jeanette, Marthe, Jesper, Aaron, Lala, Dave

Not in attendance:  



I. Meeting called to order 7:15 PM  

II. Review of last meeting’s minutes (see email) 

A. Solveig motions to approve, Jeanette seconds; all in favor, none opposed 

III. President’s report  

A. Ulrika not present 

IV. Treasurer’s report  

A. 2022 income $5000 

1. Major admin expenses 

2. Tahoe made profit 

B. Discussion re: Clear Lake property 

V. Events & Activities  

A. Calendar created for entire year, shared upcoming dates online 1. Winery trip tentative for 22nd of April 

B. Annual General Meeting planning 

1. PowerPoint presentation – Action Item: Jeanette

a) Add slide for survey results 

2. Election/Ballots – Action Item: Bianca 

3. Raffle prizes: 

a) Voucher for Tahoe (fixed dollar amount, not “One-Night’s-Stay”) b) Aquavit/Champagne – Action Item: Dave 

c) Swag (glasses) – Action Item: Jeanette 

4. Food – Action Item: Solveig 

5. Refreshments – Action Item: Dave 

6. Projector – Action Item: Solveig 

C. Recap of Recent Events 

VI. Clear Lake  

A. Dock has broken after recent storms 


A. Remember to clean up after yourselves! 

VIII. Website  

A. Need to fix membership system (users can’t see their status) 

IX. Miscellaneous  

A. Bylaws review/potential changes 

B. Build committees (membership, website, etc.) 

X. Meeting adjourned at 9:17 PM

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